“I see myself as equal parts woman and soldier”

This report investigates the experiences of former female combatants during their time in an armed group as well as their experiences after demobilizing, whether through a formal DDR process or not. The aim of this report is to gain a deeper understanding of how gender can influence the realities of women ex-combatants as they demobilize and reintegrate.

Les élections ne sont pas une fin en soi

Le président congolais Félix Tshisekedi a prêté serment le 20 janvier 2024, à l’issue des élections du 20 au 27 décembre 2023 qui lui ont permis d’obtenir 73,34% des suffrages valablement exprimés. Cette note soutient que pour évaluer l’importance des récentes élections au Congo, nous devons regarder comment elles ont restructuré les relations de pouvoir existantes et ont posé de nouveaux défis au régime.

Elections are not an end in themselves

Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi was sworn in on 20 January 2024, following the elections of 20-27 December 2023 which gave him 73.34% of the valid votes cast. This brief argues that in order to value the real importance of Congo’s recent elections, we have look at how they have restructured existing power structures and have posed new challenges to the regime on how to negotiate between the consolidation of its own power, and the demands and expectations expressed by the Congolese population.

Climate Change and Conflict in the Ruzizi Plain (DRC)

The report discusses the way in which climate change effects play out locally in South Kivu’s Ruzizi Plain, and how they interact with, add to, or alter existing conflict dynamics in this territory. It has found that both sudden onset climate change impacts, such as flooding, and slow onset impacts, such as drought and changing vegetation patterns, aggravate livelihood vulnerabilities and existing tensions over resources within Ruzizi Plain communities.

Des solutions régionales aux problèmes régionaux ?

Ce rapport fournit une analyse des tendances et dynamiques régionales affectant la crise actuelle dans l’Est de la RDC. Les efforts régionaux pour faire face à la crise n’ont jamais été aussi importants et impliquent des rôles de premier plan pour les principales organisations de la région : la CAE, la SADC, la CIRGL et, de plus en plus, l’UA.

From Saviour to Perpetrator and Back to Saviour? How To Prevent Sexual Exploitation And Abuse By United Nations Personnel

Sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) by United Nations (UN) personnel was first documented in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in 2004 and has since been a violation the organization has been criticized for. Addressing the case of the eastern DRC, this paper attempts to find new ways of addressing SEA by focusing on grassroots solutions and the perspectives of diverse actors.

From Suits to Olive Green: Zelenskyy’s Populism

This essay embarks on a scholarly exploration of the nuanced realm of populist rhetoric, focusing on the case of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy within the intricate landscape of Ukraine’s political dynamics. The analysis encompasses the dynamic evolution of populist discourse in response to pivotal events, particularly the heightened Russo-Ukrainian border tensions and the subsequent full-scale Russian invasion.