Guerres externalisées et luttes internes

La situation autour de Kitchanga, centre urbanisé aux marges des terri- toires de Rutshuru et Masisi au Nord-Kivu, demeure instable malgré les efforts considérables de stabilisation et d’analyse. Dans ce rapport, Kitchanga est considéré la plaque tournante d’un complexe géographique et socio- politique plus large, regroupant les chefferies de Bwito et Bashali.

Violence et Instabilité en Ituri

Ce rapport analyse la série d’attaques perpétrées en Ituri, dans le territoire de Djugu et ses environs, depuis fin 2017. En s’appuyant sur une analyse histo- rique et récente du conflit, il met en évidence des déclencheurs récents de la crise en cours, néanmoins enracinés dans une longue durée de tensions foncières, économiques et territoriales, souvent inscrites dans des binaires ethniques.

Mayhem in the mountains

This report analyses the history and causes of the escalation of violence on the Hauts Plateaux, a mountainous area located in South Kivu Province, eastern Congo. It argues that this violence can be ascribed to four mechanisms.

Doomsday or just another crisis? Rural resilience in the global South during the COVID-19 pandemic

Since early 2020, the Covid-19 epidemic has resulted into a global crisis of which the severity by far exceeds the impact of the 2008 financial crisis. Social scientists worldwide are trying to make sense of the crisis. Over the past few months, various authors have been asking important questions around the ethical challenges of such research. Who has the opportunity and the right to produce science in and around Covid-19 and what are the power dynamics that determine its guidelines?

Announcing the Bukavu series expo!

The Bukavu Series online exhibition explores the power dynamics between researchers from the Global North and the Global South. The Series is a visual extension of the Silent Voices Blog: Bukavu Series.