The struggle for democracy in Burma/Myanmar

At the break of the military coup in Burma/Myanmar in February 2021, residents in many parts of the country would bang their pots and pans in their respective homes every eight o’clock in the evening. Although the COVID-19 pandemic has restrained social mobility, this signaled the beginning of a widespread protest movement against authoritarian rule.

River sand commodity chains in Tanzania

This report aims to provide insight into the nature of sand mining in the Dar es Salaam area, the actors involved, as well as impacts on communities and the environment. It uses a commodity chain framework to better understand sand governance.

The “Freedom Fighter” Bobi Wine

This article examines the use of populist performance as a political strategy, by the Ugandan opposition leader Bobi Wine, through a video analysis of his campaign events, music videos, and speeches. By identifying the key recurring elements in his strategy, it is demonstrated how populism is manifested through performance.

Populism in conflict

Populism has become a buzzword in popular and media discourses in recent years. Academic debates on the concept of populism—what it is and isn’t, where to look for it and its normative prescription—has been highly contested. From minimal definitions to vernacular descriptions to propositions to drop the concept all together, a considerable but disparate field of study has emerged.

The economy weighs on sand

Humans, by a fallacious sense of ownership claim over the planet, have covered earth with more man-made mass than earth’s natural biomass. That’s saying something. It means that anthropogenic activities have been so drastic, so all-encompassing that in the year 2020 the produced and accumulated man-made objects far exceeded what the earth naturally generates. And it is believed that most of this built object, the infrastructure, and materials around us are made up of one core element, sand.

Mapping Global Sand

This report aims to contribute to the global debate on sand governance. It focuses on construction sand and maps three interrelated elements: (1) the global, regional and country specific trade in sand; (2) the current state of the social-scientific literature on sand extraction, as well as key policy reports (3) other governance efforts in the extractive industries, to provide jumping-off points for policy intervention on sand in light of sand-specific dynamics.

Le passé dans le présent

Le présent rapport analyse l’interaction entre les problèmes d’identité ethnique, la politique et les conflits dans l’est de la RDC, plus particulièrement dans le territoire de Kalehe et sur l’île d’Idjwi, dans la province du Sud-Kivu. Il démontre que ces liens sont ancrés dans des processus historiques à long terme.

The Past in the Present

Since colonization and throughout the independence period, ethnic iden- tity has played a major role in the politics and conflicts of the Democratic Republic of Congo. This report investigates how issues of ethnic identity intersect with politics and conflicts in eastern Congo, and particularly Kalehe territory and on Idjwi Island, South Kivu Province.

Politique violente et commerce silencieux

Ce rapport analyse les dynamiques de la coutume, la contrebande et la rébellion qui s’entrecroisent dans le territoire de Lubero en province du Nord-Kivu, dans l’est de la RDC. Le rapport explore les différentes émanations du pouvoir politique et économique dans une région souvent considérée comme non gouvernée et périphérique, par le biais de la gouvernance locale, la mobilisation armée et le commerce transnational des ressources.

Violent Politics and Silent Trade

This study offers an analysis of the intersecting dynamics of custom, contra- band and rebellion that mark Lubero territory in eastern Congo’s North Kivu province. Through the angles of local governance, armed mobilization and transnational resource trade, the report looks at different emanations of political and economic power in a region often considered ungoverned and peripheral.