The FRPI peace process at an impasse
This discussion paper aims at highlighting the relevance, challenges and limits of the so-called “FRPI peace process” for the future of stabilization and peace initiatives in the eastern DRC. The Patriotic Resistance Front of Ituri (FRPI) peace process refers to an inclusive and multilevel dialogue initiated in 2017, which led to significant milestones for the peace and sta- bility of southern Ituri, such as the signature of a peace agreement between the government of the DRC and the FRPI armed group, and the voluntary cantonment of more than 1,000 militiamen.
As such, the FRPI peace process has set-up a genuine dialogue owned by Congolese stakeholders, from community leaders to the provincial governor, military officials and the relevant national ministers. It has fostered mutual accountability, managed and marginalized spoilers, and led to positive changes in one of the most entrenched, violent and volatile areas of the eastern DRC.
Despite significant achievements, the FRPI peace process is today at an impasse and at risk of totally derailing, as is illustrated by the renewed fight- ing between FRPI elements and soldiers of the national army in October 2020 and the lack of progress in the steps toward and preconditions for a full disarmament of the FRPI.