This study offers a longue durée analysis of the factors underpinning instability in northern Masisi and western Rutshuru, especially around the town of Kitchanga, a geographical pivot of armed politics in the Petit Nord-Kivu.
The FRPI peace process at an impasse
This discussion paper aims at highlighting the relevance, challenges and limits of the so-called “FRPI peace process” for the future of stabilization and peace initiatives in the eastern DRC.
Guerres externalisées et luttes internes
La situation autour de Kitchanga, centre urbanisé aux marges des terri- toires de Rutshuru et Masisi au Nord-Kivu, demeure instable malgré les efforts considérables de stabilisation et d’analyse. Dans ce rapport, Kitchanga est considéré la plaque tournante d’un complexe géographique et socio- politique plus large, regroupant les chefferies de Bwito et Bashali.
Violence et Instabilité en Ituri
Ce rapport analyse la série d’attaques perpétrées en Ituri, dans le territoire de Djugu et ses environs, depuis fin 2017. En s’appuyant sur une analyse histo- rique et récente du conflit, il met en évidence des déclencheurs récents de la crise en cours, néanmoins enracinés dans une longue durée de tensions foncières, économiques et territoriales, souvent inscrites dans des binaires ethniques.
Mayhem in the mountains
This report analyses the history and causes of the escalation of violence on the Hauts Plateaux, a mountainous area located in South Kivu Province, eastern Congo. It argues that this violence can be ascribed to four mechanisms.
La paix des armes in North Kalehe. Stabilization, Demobilization And The Continuous Reconfiguration Of Armed Groups
This report analyses the security situation in North Kalehe, which is characterized by the presence of armed groups and the near absence of government military forces.
The Ruzizi Plain. A Crossroads of Conflict and Violence
The Ruzizi Plain in South Kivu Province has been the theatre of ongoing conflicts and violence for over two decades. Patterns and dynamics of conflicts and violence have significantly evolved over time. Historically, conflict dynamics have largely centred on disputed customary authority – often framed in terms of intercommunity conflict.
Proxy Wars and the Dawn of Godfathers
Despite significant stabilization efforts and analysis, the situation around Kitchanga – sitting on the edges of Rutshuru and Masisi territories in North Kivu – remains volatile. This report understands Kitchanga as part of a broader geographical and socio-political complex, including the Bwito and Bashali chieftaincies.
Violence and Instability in Ituri
This first report analyses the string of attacks in and around Djugu territory in Ituri since late 2017. Based on both historical and recent conflict analysis, it finds recent and concrete triggers of the ongoing crisis, nonetheless rooted in protracted tension over land, livelihood and territory, often framed in ethnic binaries.